Logic Puzzle Wiki


Checkered Fillomino is a variant of Fillomino, in which polyminoes are entered into a grid.


The objective is to add numbers to all cells, subject to the following rules:

  1. All numbers on the grid must be part of a polyomino of the same value.
  2. No two polyominoes of the same value can touch horizontally or vertically.
  3. Givens may be part of the same polyomino, conversely not all final polyominoes may start with a given.
  4. There must exist a way to shade some regions such that shaded regions neighbour only unshaded regions and unshaded regions only neighbour shaded regions.


A standard 10x10 Checkered Fillomino and its solution.

Credit to Николай Белухов of NB Puzzles

Checkered Fillomino Example

Credit: Николай Белухов

Checkered Fillomino Solution

Credit: Николай Белухов
